2024 Wedding Trends: Zola's First Look Report Data Deep Dive - Zola Expert Wedding Advice (2024)

Zola surveyed close to 7,000 couples getting married in 2024 about why, what and how they’re planning for their weddings. Here’s a deeper dive into all of the data.

Here’s a closer look at alllllllll of the data that informed our 2024 First Look Report.

Pre-Engagement and Getting Engaged

Couples this year want to have a fun party that they’ve always dreamed about, and they aren’t waiting to start the planning. With many couples together 5+ years, living together and combining finances, 89% are taking steps towards the aisle before the question is popped. And, engagement timelines have shrunk back to pre-pandemic lengths of about 1-1 ½ years.

Why are you having a wedding (i.e. why are you hosting a celebration of your marriage?) Please select all that apply.

  • 65.49% - We want a fun party
  • 54.21% - I/we have always dreamed about it
  • 50.27% - We want to demonstrate our love for each other
  • 44.31% - It means a lot to us
  • 28.54% - Our families want us to
  • 22.64% - It’s tradition / everyone we know did it
  • 19.16% - For spiritual / religious / cultural meaning
  • 9.83% - Because society says that’s what you do
  • 2.63% - We did not really want to have a wedding
  • 2.05% - I don’t know
  • 4.14% - Other

How long will you have been engaged by the time you get married?

  • 1.99% - Between 1-6 months
  • 13.26% - Between 7-11 months
  • 50% - between 12-18 months
  • 16.35% - between 19-23 months
  • 13.67% - 2 years
  • 2.56% - 3 years
  • 2.05% - between 4 - 10 years
  • 0.27% - over 10 years

How long will you have been with your partner by the time you get married?

  • 1.63% - 1 year
  • 9.55% - 2 years
  • 15.42% - 3 years
  • 15.77% - 4 years
  • 15.47% - 5 years
  • 11.73% - 6 years
  • 10% - 7 years
  • 6.58% - 8 years
  • 4.82% - 9 years
  • 8.56% - 10 or more years

The wedding planning activities couples do BEFORE getting engaged

  • 25.43% - Discussed when you would get engaged
  • 18.73% - Shopped for rings WITH your partner
  • 10.86% - Created a wedding moodboard
  • 9.14% - Shopped for rings WITHOUT your partner
  • 7.75% - Discussed the budget for your wedding
  • 4.11% - Decided on your wedding date
  • 3.68% - Toured a wedding venue
  • 2.60% - Started your wedding website
  • 2.39% - BOOKED a wedding venue
  • 1.72% - Shopped for wedding attire
  • 1.48% - Created your wedding registry
  • 1.06% - “proposed” to your wedding party
  • 0.26% - Sent out a save the date
  • 10.78% - None of the above

Before getting married you and your partner will have…

  • 87.57% - lived together
  • 40.27% - combined finances
  • 26.07% - bought a home
  • 23.18% - gone through any form of couples therapy or pre-marital counseling
  • 21.43% - made another big purchase (e.g a car)
  • 15.72% - shared debt
  • 9.89% - broken up and gotten back together
  • 8.91% - had child(ren) (together or separate)
  • 6.26% - signed a prenuptial agreement
  • 6.16% - been in a previous marriage
  • 3.54% - none of the above

Wedding Planning Decisions and Feelings

2024 couples are enjoying the ride. Most find the planning process to be overall enjoyable, with 18% reporting that their experience has been absolutely amazing. 64% of couples are planning to have local affairs, while 36% are planning destination weddings. When it comes to selecting the venue, couples care most about ambiance / vibe, and budget, of course.

How has wedding planning been for you so far?

  • 53.16% - Overall enjoyable
  • 27.09% - It’s not my favorite, but I’m figuring it out
  • 17.79% - Amazing - I absolutely love all the decisions and details and could do this for a living
  • 1.88% - I hate it - want to delegate everything
  • 0.08% - I haven’t been participating at all

Where the wedding is taking place

  • 8.84% - Very, very local (in the spot where the majority of our guests live)
  • 55.06% - Local (most guests able to travel by car)
  • 28.27%- Domestic destination (within the U.S, requires longer travel for many)
  • 7.69% - International destination
  • .13% - Not sure yet

What are / were the top 3 priorities when it comes to selecting your venue?

  • 57.34% - ambiance / vibe of the location
  • 55.81% - inline with our budget
  • 31.83% - has outdoor space
  • 28.12% - local / convenient for most guests
  • 25.94% - It’s a location with significance for me and/or my partner (i.e. where one of us grew up, etc.)
  • 24.88% - has covered / indoor space for weather
  • 18.41% - guest capacity
  • 15.23% - great for photography
  • 9.89% - flexible vendor list (i.e. able to book any caterer, florist, etc.)
  • 9.66% - had amazing reviews online and/or from other couples
  • 4.91% - payment options
  • 1.07% - our wedding planner recommended the location
  • 5.64% - other

Which wedding-specific events are you planning? (Select all that apply)

  • 97.09% - Reception
  • 89.31% - Ceremony (not at a courthouse)
  • 4.65% - Courthouse ceremony
  • 67.52% - Rehearsal dinner
  • 51.15% - Bach party
  • 39.36% - Wedding shower
  • 31.90% - Welcome party
  • 29.02% - Wedding after-party
  • 22.94% - Goodbye brunch
  • 4.11% - Specific cultural event
  • 15.50% - Engagement party
  • 2.95% - Elopement
  • 1.47% - Other

How did you select your wedding date?

  • 33.72% - Based on availability of our preferred wedding venue / vendors
  • 14.24% - Based on availability of our friends and family
  • 13.80% - A date that is off-peak to save money
  • 11.84% - A date that is symbolic to our relationship
  • 9.54% - A date that is easy to remember
  • 2.22% - Based on a culturally lucky or auspicious date
  • 1.20% - A loved one’s anniversary
  • 0.76% - Based on astrology
  • 12.69% - other

What words would you use to describe wedding planning?

  • 66.98% - Exciting
  • 52.50% - Stressful
  • 49.78% - Fun
  • 47.70% - Special
  • 46.64% - Overwhelming
  • 31.69% - Full of love
  • 30.93% - Surprising / unexpected
  • 26.6% - Grateful
  • 22.76% - Joyful
  • 19.08% - Exhausting
  • 18.65% - Nerve-wracking
  • 15.52% - Inspired
  • 12.51% - Absurd / ridiculous
  • 11.46% - Frustrating
  • 10.71% - Chill
  • 10.70% - Amusing / funny
  • 8% - Neutral
  • 3.43% - Disappointing
  • 1.98% - Unhinged
  • 1.85% - Other (mainly callouts for the word “expensive”)

Pain Points That Accompany Wedding Planning

While couples feel pretty prepared to begin the planning process, they can’t be prepared for the sheer number of decisions that come with the territory. They also need support managing their budgets and guest lists.

How prepared did you feel to plan your wedding before you started?

  • 37.99% - Pretty prepared, but there were some things I didn’t realize
  • 33.53% - A little prepared, I had to do some research
  • 21.91% - Not at all prepared!
  • 6.58% - Super prepared, nothing surprised me

What didn’t you feel prepared for?

  • 69.46% - The sheer number of decisions
  • 50.09% - Managing a budget
  • 49.61% - Managing the guest list
  • 39.49% - Family / friend drama
  • 38.44% - The amount I’d have to talk about getting married with friends, family and strangers
  • 37.78% - Vendor outreach and hiring
  • 36.26% - Setting a budget
  • 32.38% - Vendor negotiations / contracts
  • 22.06% - Discussing our finances
  • 10.57% - The commitment that comes with it
  • 2.90% - Other

What have been the biggest pain points during your wedding planning process?

  • 45.43% - Creating / managing our budget
  • 35.34% - Creating our guest list
  • 20.38% - Choosing other vendors
  • 17.52% - Finding wedding inspiration that feels like you
  • 13.67% - Picking out our wedding decor (flowers, balloons, etc.)
  • 10.53% - Deciding who to add to our wedding party
  • 9.92% - Booking our venue
  • 6.42% - Saying “yes” to wedding attire
  • 4.96% - Creating our playlist
  • 4.41% - Picking out / designing our save the dates or invites
  • 3.66% - Sharing the news with family & friends
  • 3.63% - Creating our wedding registry
  • 2.26% - Picking our date
  • 2.33% - Building our wedding website
  • 3.64% - Deciding on our menu
  • 0.98% - Writing thank you notes

Wedding Budgets and Spend in 2024

The average cost of a wedding in 2024 will hit a high of over $30,000+ as more couples than last year budget between $30k-$50k. In parallel, more couples are covering their own wedding costs by saving up and optimizing smartly. This isn’t to say that couples are unable to splurge as they remain willing to spend on their photographer, venue and open bar.

What is your wedding budget?

  • 3.45% - $5,000 or less
  • 8.61% - $5,000 - $10,000
  • 10.84% - $10,000 - $15,000
  • 12.27% - $15,000 - $20,000
  • 17.53% - $20,000 - $30,000
  • 13.17% - $30,000 - $40,000
  • 10.65% - $40,000 - $50,000
  • 10.92% - $50,000 - $75,000
  • 5.53% - $75,000 - $100,000
  • 4.03% - $100,000 or more
  • 3.01% - prefer not to answer

Here’s how many guests couples are inviting to their weddings this year:

  • 0.22% - Completely eloping
  • 0.10% - less than 10
  • 1.86% - 10-30 guests
  • 4.33% - 30-50 guests
  • 7.41% - 50-75 guests
  • 16.61% - 75-100 guests
  • 33.51% - 100 - 150 guests
  • 22.82% - 150 - 200 guests
  • 11.07% - 200 - 300 guests
  • 1.85% - 300 - 500 guests
  • 0.22% - 500+ guests

Are you and your partner contributing to the cost of your wedding?

  • 59.97% - Yes - we are contributing to the cost but not paying for it in full
  • 26.92% - Yes - we are completely covering the cost ourselves
  • 12.49% - No - our wedding cost is being covered by loved ones
  • 1.01% - No, other

How are you financing your wedding? Please select all that apply.

  • 50.37% - I / we saved up for years before getting engaged
  • 31.95% - We are optimizing credit cards (using points, taking out new credit cards, etc.)
  • 16.69% - Adding wedding elements to our registry (i.e. cash fund for photographer fees, etc.)
  • 4.94% - We have taken out a loan
  • 1.42% - Crowdsourcing / funding
  • 20.27% - Other

Who else is contributing to the cost of your wedding? Please select all that apply.

  • 56.73% - My family
  • 41.92% - My partner’s family
  • 0.87% - Friends
  • 0.48% - Other (please specify)

What elements of your wedding are you most willing to splurge on? Please select up to 3

  • 54.76% - Photographer
  • 42.60% - Open bar
  • 41.27% - Venue
  • 28.54% - Catering
  • 23.41% - Attire
  • 18.71% - Music
  • 11.46% - Flowers
  • 10.5% - Videographer
  • 9.6% - Beauty team
  • 9.54% - Reception experiences
  • 6.68% - Decor
  • 5.42% - Wedding planner
  • 3.14% - Cake / desert
  • 2.61% - Late night snack
  • 2.13% - Venue rentals
  • 1.11% - Other
  • 1.05% - None of the above

How Couples are Personalizing Their Weddings

Especially since couples are spending so much money on their wedding events, they really do care about look and feel. Couples want to have even more fun, energetic, inclusive weddings this year that are also less traditional and fancy.

LessNo ChangeMore
Inclusive/Welcoming of all2.03%26.71%71.27%
A reflection of our values.1.22%30.34%68.43%
Authentically Us0.34%13.13%86.54%

How are you making your wedding feel more personal to who you are?

  • 52.00% - Having a friend / family member marry us
  • 31.62% - Making sure our wedding is an inclusive space
  • 28.09% - Having a religion-free wedding
  • 22.07% - Picking a specific theme that is super “us”
  • 21.82% - Catering that suits our likes / dietary preferences
  • 21.32% - Choosing vendors & businesses who support our values
  • 14.06% - Thrifting or sustainably sourcing our wedding look(s) / elements
  • 15.79% - Combining our religions / cultural traditions
  • 15.69% - Trying to cut down on waste / be eco-friendly
  • 13.32% - Breaking from wedding party gender stereotypes
  • 8.43% - Incorporating our children into our celebration
  • 5.99% - Wearing non-traditional or unexpected attire
  • 4.76% - Dry / alcohol free wedding
  • 4.66% - giving back to charity in some way
  • 6.94% - None of the above
  • 5.07% - Other

On a scale of 1-4, how much do you care about how your wedding looks?

  • 61.48% - 3, I know what I want but am flexible on some elements if need be
  • 18.36% - 2 , I am highly flexible on most elements
  • 17.53% - 4 I have strong opinions about every detail
  • 2.61% - 1, I am totally flexible on everything / have no strong opinions

How would you best describe your wedding style?

  • 21.91% - Classic
  • 13.13% - Garden
  • 11.33% - Rustic
  • 9.97% - Modern
  • 8.23% - Minimalist
  • 6.32% - Whimsical
  • 4.61% - Beach / Tropical
  • 4.49% - Vintage
  • 4.09% - Bohemian
  • 3.33% - Glamorous
  • 2.66% - DIY
  • 0.91% - Anti-wedding wedding
  • 0.27% - Avant Garde
  • 1.65% - Specific theme
  • 0.03% - Futuristic
  • 7.07% - Other (please specify)

The Latest Wedding Trends

Out with the old, in with the new. The next generation of couples is mixing up their wedding style - embracing multiple outfit changes, mismatched wedding party attire, and diamond alternatives as a way to make the wedding their own. Garter and bouquet tosses and wedding favors, on the other hand, are officially out. AI also officially lands in wedding planning as couples are quick to test this new technology.

Are you using, or considering using, any AI tools to support your wedding planning?

  • 45.82% - Not likely, I’m not a big fan
  • 36.02% - Unsure, but haven’t ruled it out
  • 10.95% - Very likely, it can help tremendously
  • 7.22% - Yes! We’re already using at least 1 AI tool

How has or how will AI support your wedding journey? Please select all that apply

  • 38.28% - With our wedding website
  • 33.97% - Writing thank you notes
  • 33.88% - Finding inspiration
  • 32.05% - Writing our vows
  • 28.66% - Creating schedules or programs
  • 25.18% - Writing toasts or speeches
  • 20.88% - Planning our honeymoon
  • 14.74% - Creating our playlist
  • 17.49% - Managing our budget
  • 6.59% - Other (please specify)

When it comes to wedding planning, which trends do you feel are very “in” and you love vs. going “out” and you would never have at your own wedding?

Wedding Hashtags33.47%66.53%
Hiring a wedding content creator22.61%77.39%
Elaborate wedding exists52.47%47.53%
Long ceremonies7.89%92.11%
First looks71.30%28.70%
Bouquet toss31.66%68.34%
Late night snacks84.79%15.21%
Donut Walls27.03%72.97%
Over-the-top dessert tables37.18%62.82%
Wedding favors37.78%62.22%
Outfit changes57.39%42.61%
Multi-day events48.94%51.06%
Phone-free “unplugged” weddings74.78%25.22%
Signature co*cktails84.16%15.84%
Diamond alternatives and substitutes72.03%27.97%
Film photography75.98%24.02%
Required guest dress code45.65%54.35%
Family / friend officiants86.97%13.07%
Kid-free weddings13.07%20.51%
Choreographed first dances42.06%57.94%
Garter toss12.83%87.17%
Highly personalized everything49.14%50.86%
Neon signs50.91%49.09%
Mis-matched bridesmaid dresses82.95%17.05%
Wedding party intros/dances51.92%48.08%

Relationships Along The Journey

It’s no surprise that couples are there for each other every day along the way.

Who is your rock during the planning process:

  • 79.32% - My partner
  • 40.71% - myself
  • 38.68% - my parents / guardians
  • 36.70% - my best friends
  • 16.10% - my pet
  • 15.62% - my sibling
  • 11.11% - my married friends
  • 6.08% - my therapist
  • 5.76% - other family members
  • 4.80% - other engaged couples
  • 4.35% - social media
  • 3.68% - my coworkers
  • 3.58% - my wedding vendors
  • 2.33% - religious figure
  • 0.83% - my children
  • 3.13% - other

Has anybody caused MORE stress or made the planning process more difficult?

  • 39.29% - My parents / guardians
  • 39.63% - Other family members
  • 19.71% - Social media
  • 16.60% - My partner
  • 15.06% - Myself
  • 11.99% - Other (please specify)
  • 7.65% - My sibling
  • 7.40% - My wedding vendors
  • 6.77% - Other engaged couples
  • 6.45% - My best friends
  • 2.31% - My coworkers
  • 2.79% - My married friends
  • 1.76% - Religious figure
  • 0.50% - My children
  • 0.13% - My therapist
  • 0.95% - My pet

In choosing a spouse, how important to you is it that you share the same…

Not importantSomewhat importantVery important
Style of upbringing24.52%52.45%23.04%
Political views13.91%46.42%39.67%
Vision for our family1.63%10.35%88.02%
Education level27.50%47.52%24.98%
Financial goals1.15%24.45%74.40%
Salary range34.02%52.10%13.89%
Career goals11.19%46.22%42.58%
Sexual compatibility2.63%24.82%72.55%

Wedding Registry Trends & Gifts

More couples than ever before, 87%, are planning to have cash funds on their registry this year.

Are you planning to have a wedding registry

  • 83% - Yes
  • 10.33% - No
  • 6.67% - Not sure

For couples who are planning to have a registry, are you planning to have any cash funds? More couples than ever before plan to add at least one cash fund to their registry

  • 86.62% - yes
  • 13.38% - no

What are you using your cash funds for

  • 86.77% - Honeymoon / travel
  • 37.26% - To purchase a home or move into a new home
  • 29.30% - To help us pay for our wedding
  • 17.66% - Home renovations / upgrades
  • 9.58% - For special date nights
  • 6.45% - To pay down other debt
  • 4.20% - For our pet or future pet
  • 3.94% - To pay for education or pay back student loans
  • 2.75% - For family planning (i.e. fertility treatments, adoption, etc.)
  • 2.67% - Other
  • 2.17% - To fund a hobby
  • 1.79% - Charity

The Influence of Influencers and Social Media

Social media is becoming an even more crucial part of the planning process. 90% of couples said that at least one planning platform has been indispensable for them. And while TikTok picks up steam with younger couples, Pinterest remains the #1 way for couples to find their wedding inspo.

Did you make any choices based on something you saw on social media?

  • 85.91% - yes
  • 14.09% - no

Which influencer / celebrity wedding of 2023 inspired you the MOST?

  • 47.95% - Sofia Richie and Elliot Grainge
  • 9.65% - Dylan Sprouse and Barbara Palvin
  • 5.41% - Simone Biles and Jonathan Owens
  • The rest got extremely low results
  • 31.29% - other

Where are you getting your wedding inspo?

  • 77.04% - Pinterest
  • 55.89% - My own creativity / vision
  • 57.63% - Instagram
  • 41.28% - From other weddings I’ve been to
  • 38.39% - TikTok
  • 28.39% - From Zola
  • 24.88% - from my vendors
  • 15.08% - Google
  • 10.89% - Facebook
  • 10.79% - Wedding websites
  • 10.12% - From an online community of other engaged couples
  • 11.39% - Influencers / celebrities
  • 6.98% - Wedding magazines
  • 3.01% - YouTube
  • 1.52% - Other

Which social media platform is absolutely invaluable / crucial to your wedding planning process

  • 47.38% - Pinterest
  • 20.07% - Instagram
  • 16% - TikTok
  • 3.23% - Facebook
  • 1.81% - Reddit
  • 0.72% - YouTube
  • 0.25% - Discord
  • 0.15% - X
  • 0.12% - Threads
  • 10.25% - None, social media didn’t support me in planning

Can you please tell us how you’ve used different social media platforms during the planning process?

To find wedding hacks77.8%44.03%31.24%51.56%40.69%
For wedding inspo77.4%79.83%37.8%97.57%39.26%
To discover vendors17.37%53.06%41.56%15.02%12.03%
To entertain me55.87%41.61%25.5%21.32%34.17%
To take a planning break48.84%38.91%25.37%12.94%28.49%
To follow other couples27.04%24.08%34.8%6.86%11.36%

Societal Expectations Around Weddings That Are Due For Change

83% of couples do feel that at least one societal expectation surrounding the wedding journey is due for a change.

Are you experiencing any of the following challenges while wedding planning? Select all that apply

  • 44.50% - Family drama
  • 29.63% - Pressure to look a certain way
  • 20.16% - Grief / loss of a loved one
  • 15.55% - Friend drama
  • 14.16% - Lack of support from your family
  • 7.85% - Lack of support from your partner
  • 1.76% - Discrimination / judgment based on sexual orientation
  • .90% - Discrimination / judgment based on gender identity
  • 6.80% - Discrimination / judgment based on body type
  • 4.44% - Discrimination / judgment based on religion
  • 3.23% - Discrimination / judgment based on age
  • 0.33% - Discrimination / judgment based on disability
  • 1.28% - Discrimination / judgment based on a previous marriage
  • 25.10% - None of the above

If you could change or update anything about the wedding planning journey, what would you change? (select all that apply)

  • 32.90% - Balance / assumptions around wedding planning responsibilities
  • 32.09% - Wedding diet culture
  • 30.94 - Bride's family paying for the wedding
  • 21.54% - Name changing / taking the partner’s last name
  • 20.64% - Representation of weddings in media / pop culture
  • 17.95% - Being “given away” / walked down the aisle
  • 11.26% - Gendered wedding parties
  • 10.26% - Sending handwritten thank you notes
  • 5.62% - Wearing white
  • 5.02% - The proposal process
  • 2.68% - The ring
  • 5.61% - Other (please specify)
  • 17.03% - nothing about the wedding journey needs to change

Can you estimate, on average, how many hours per week you spend planning your wedding?

  • 33.94% - Between 1-2 hours
  • 33.21% - Between 2-4 hours
  • 13.94% - Between 4-6 hours
  • 12.06% - Less than 1 hour
  • 5.56% - More than six hours
  • 1.30% - Other (please specify)

Can you estimate, on average, how much time your PARTNER spends on wedding planning?

  • 51.01% - Less than me
  • 23.64% - Barely helping with the planning
  • 8.20% - Equal to me
  • 7.69% - Almost equal to me
  • 7.20% - Zero
  • 2.26% - More than me

Newlywed Priorities

After the wedding comes… many other huge priorities.

After you’re married, what will be your biggest priority?

  • 29.96% - Buying a home
  • 18.84% - Starting a family
  • 15.02% - Paying off debts (including student loans)
  • 10.95% - Nothing - just taking a breather to enjoy married life
  • 8.79% - Moving ahead in my / our careers
  • 7.11% - Saving for travel
  • 3.42% - Moving to another city
  • 2.59% - Completing education
  • 0.98% - Getting a pet
  • 0.86% - Buying a car
  • 1.46% - Other (please specify)
2024 Wedding Trends: Zola's First Look Report Data Deep Dive - Zola Expert Wedding Advice (2024)


2024 Wedding Trends: Zola's First Look Report Data Deep Dive - Zola Expert Wedding Advice? ›

89% have started wedding planning before getting engaged, with some going so far as to pick their date and book their venue. The Inspo: Celebs/influencers as a source of inspiration increased 48% in comparison to last year. And, 92% of Gen-Zers said that social media is an essential part of their planning process.

What is the wedding industry outlook for 2024? ›

The wedding service market size has grown rapidly in recent years. It will grow from $196.58 billion in 2023 to $219.8 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.8%.

Is Zola a good wedding website? ›

Zola has a beautifully curated selection that weeds through the noise of everything on the internet to bring you what... Zola has everything! I'd recommend Zola to ANYONE and everyone getting married. They have literally everything - plus the 20% post married...

Is Zola really free? ›

One of the best things about Zola is that it's completely free. You don't have to worry about paying any fees or subscriptions to create your wedding website. You can design your site, add photos and details, and even create a custom domain name without spending a dime.

What percent of people do a first look? ›

what is a first look? A first look is a time for the couple to see each other before the wedding ceremony. About 85 percent of the couples that I work with end up doing a first look and it seems that more do it each year.

What is the luckiest month to get married in 2024? ›

Most dates during the months of March, May and June are considered “lucky” days for a wedding, with Stardust highlighting the following ranges in particular: March 1-23, March 25-31, May 1- 23 and May 25-June 23.

Is it lucky to get married in 2024? ›

Here is an ample of reasons why 2024 is the luckiest year to get married, as per Chinese zodiac. As per Chinese astrological system, the year 2024 (2+0+2+4) adds up to 8 – a number which symbolises infinite love between husband and wife. Hence, it is considered lucky to get married this year.

Who owns Zola wedding? ›

Zola was founded in New York City in 2013 by Shan-Lyn Ma and Nobu Nakaguchi. It was launched as an online wedding registry which for the first time allowed couples to register for gifts, experiences, and cash funds as well as add gifts from other stores, all in one place.

Are Zola wedding albums worth it? ›

The fact Zola did the layout for me was the icing on the cake. I wanted to surprise my wife with the album for our anniversary, but felt really overwhelmed on other sites. On Zola, all I had to do was upload our photos and drag some things around. Turned out great... and she is so impressed!

Does Zola send out wedding invites? ›

While we do print your guest addresses for FREE on your envelopes, we don't mail anything directly to your guests. When you place an order for your paper products, we'll ship them to you to be assembled and mailed - this way, you can take a peek and make sure everything looks perfect before sending out your cards.

How much money do you give as a wedding gift? ›

While the amount you should gift a couple depends on a number of factors, data from The Knot reveals that U.S. wedding guests spend an average of $160 on cash gifts. "It's common to give anywhere from $100 to $1,000. I often see the card box on the gift table oozing with overstuffed envelopes," Burton says.

Has Zola been hacked? ›

The company said it had blocked attempts to make fraudulent transfers out of cash funds. The weddings registry site Zola.com confirmed Monday that it was hacked over the weekend, saying it was working to correct "actions that were not taken by its account users." The hack was first reported by TechCrunch.

Is Zola safe to use? ›

We take the privacy and security of everyone on our site very seriously. Everyone can feel comfortable shopping on Zola and using all of our services.

What are the cons of the first look? ›

One of the most common cons of doing a first Look is that it may take away from the overall emotion of meeting each other during the actual ceremony. Though, you will still experience this, but just privately. Some couples feel that “the magic” of the moment is lost when they see each other before the wedding event.

Do you wear your veil for first look? ›

If you opt for a first look, I usually recommend not wearing your veil for this moment. When your groom sees you for the first time, he will want to embrace you, but this usually will pull the veil out of your hair! It's best to not have to worry about that during such a special moment.

Who should be at first look? ›

Just You and Your Partner. This goes without saying: You and your partner are the only ones that actually need to be there. A one-on-one first look will feel special and natural, and it might just put you at ease knowing you won't have to put a show for any third-party observers.

What is the future of the wedding industry? ›

The wedding industry is witnessing a period of exciting change, driven by new trends and shaped by recent challenges. As we look to the future, the focus is on creating meaningful, personalized, and sustainable celebrations that reflect the evolving values and expectations of couples.

How many weddings will there be in 2024 usa? ›

Looking past 2022, McMurray predicts the number of weddings will return to pre-pandemic levels. He forecasts 2.2 million weddings for 2023 and 2024, and 2.1 million for 2025.

Is the wedding industry growing? ›

The Global Wedding market is anticipated to rise at a considerable rate during the forecast period, between 2023 and 2031. In 2022, the market is growing at a steady rate and with the rising adoption of strategies by key players, the market is expected to rise over the projected horizon.


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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.