Dayton Regional STEM Center - Contact & FAQ's (2024)

What is the Dayton Regional STEM Center?

The Dayton Regional STEM Center (DRSC) was established in 2007. It subsists on grant funding, financial contributions and the support of the Montgomery County Educational Service Center. DRSC provides preK-12 educators with on-going professional development opportunities in STEM education and generate high quality STEM curriculum. This organization has been established to support private, parochial, charter and public educators. The goal is that transforming teacher understanding and thereby classroom experiences through high quality, inquiry based STEM learning experiences will aid in the national need for a future workforce of STEM professionals. Teacher training and curriculum efforts rely on the Dayton region STEM community for funding, volunteers, STEM career knowledge and inspiration for our national efforts.

What is STEM?

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. The Dayton Regional STEM Center also recognizes the acronym as STRATEGIES THAT ENGAGE MINDS and believes that quality STEM education requires the incorporation of innovation, critical thinking and collaboration. These specific components are outlined in the STEM Education Quality Framework.

How do I become a STEM Fellow?

Stay tuned! Our newly revitalized STEM Fellows program will return in the fall of 2024. Applications will open March of 2024.

Is the Dayton Regional STEM Center the same as the Dayton Regional STEM School?

  1. No, although the names are similar, the Dayton Regional STEM Center (DRSC) is not the same as the Dayton Regional STEM School. The Dayton Regional STEM School is a public independent STEM school serving students in grade 6-12 while the DRSC provides programming, professional development and outreach for K-12 education across the Dayton region and beyond.

What is the STEM Education Quality Framework?

The STEM Education Quality Framework is a nationally recognized tool for supporting on-going communication between and among STEM stakeholders by creating a common framework for conceptualizing, and a common language for communicating about STEM teaching and learning. In this capacity it can support educational leaders in making informed decisions about the allocation of resources, especially with regard to the planning and delivery of professional development. Finally, at the micro-level, the framework and rubrics can guide teachers in designing quality STEM learning experiences and provide a valuable tool for reflection and self-assessment. Perhaps most importantly, it can serve as the common ground where both teachers and STEM professionals can anchor their collaborative work as they endeavor to build the bridges from classrooms to STEM careers.

Why is STEM Education important?

STEM education is crucial because it equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in a rapidly advancing world. It fosters critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and encourages innovation, preparing individuals for future careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields. By nurturing STEM education, we empower the next generation to tackle complex challenges and contribute to advancements that drive societal progress.

What is the relationship between the MCESC and the DRSC?

The Dayton Regional STEM Center (DRSC) is a largely grant funded division of the Montgomery County Educational Service Center (MCESC). It should be noted that the DRSC supports schools, districts and entities outside of the MCESC’s region.

What is a STEM Fellow?

STEM Fellows are professionals who actively participate in the Dayton Regional STEM Center (DRSC) program. These professionals have undergone training in regards to the STEM Education Quality Framework and participate in DRSC curriculum generation meetings and DRSC community events. There are numerous types of STEM Fellows including:

  • STEM Educator Fellows (Lead, Senior, and First Year)

  • STEM Industry Fellows

  • STEM Higher Ed Fellows

  • STEM Ambassadors (retired Fellows who still support DRSC activities and curriculum piloting)

What is the difference between STEM education and quality science and math education?

The Dayton Regional STEM Center bases their criteria for STEM education on the STEM Education Quality Framework. As a nation we have a wealth of high-quality science and math educators that teach in an engaging and effective manner based on historical standards of professional teacher success. However, our nation is still facing a national shortage of STEM professionals. We believe that through empowering and educating our teachers we can better prepare our future workforce! The DRSC believes that STEM education is the evolution of teaching 19th century skills (reading, writing, arithmetic, science) in a 21st century setting (collaborative, technologically rich, integrated, innovative, practical applications).

If you have additional questions, please contact Jessica Short at

Dayton Regional STEM Center - Contact & FAQ's (2024)


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