Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (2024)


Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (1)

The Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath is a Unique Chest Armor exclusive to the Barbarian class.

  • Physical Damage

  • Physical Critical Strike Chance Against Elites

  • Damage Reduction From Bleeding Enemies

  • Thorns

  • Lucky Hit: Up to a [20 - 40%] chance to reduce the Cooldowns of your Non-Ultimate Skills by 1.5 seconds when you inflict Bleeding on Elites.

  • Barbarian Class Only

How To Get Rage of Harrogath

The Rage of Harrogath Unique Chest Armor will only drop from Level 85+ Monsters.

You can further increase your chances of the Rage of Harrogath Drop by slaying Beasts, Vampires, Werewolves, Wildlife in Nightmare Dungeons. Since these monster types have a higher drop rate of Unique Chest Armor Equipment.


Best Builds To Use with Rage of Harrogath

We have a total of (4) builds that use the Rage of Harrogath Unique Chest Armor. You can click/tap any Rage of Harrogath build below to view the complete Build.

Rend BuildBarbarian A 551111➔Bleed BuildBarbarian B 155111➔Death Blow BuildBarbarian B 111151➔
Best Builds

Best Unique Weapons and Armor To Use with Rage of Harrogath

The best unique equipment to use with Rage of Harrogath in D4 is Fields of Crimson, which is a Unique Sword.

Fields of CrimsonBarbarian • Unique SwordAGood Synergy Critical Strike Damage Damage with Two-Handed Slashing WeaponsDamage Over TimeCooldown Reduction for RuptureRanks to Rupture While using this weapon, damaging at least one enemy with Rupture creates a blood pool that inflicts [20%] Bleeding damage over 6 seconds. Enemies standing in the pool take [15 - 34%] increased Bleed damage.➔Ahavarion Spear of LycanderAll • Unique StaffNew?Average Synergy Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies Critical Strike ChanceAttack SpeedDamageLucky Hit: Up to a [X]% Chance to Stun Gain a random Shrine effect for 10-20 seconds after killing an Elite enemy. Can only occur once every 30 seconds.➔
Best Barbarian Uniques

Best Aspects To Use with Rage of Harrogath Unique Chest Armor

Aspect of AnemiaBarbarian • Utility CodexCGood SynergyLucky Hit: Direct damage against Bleeding enemies has up to a [20-30%] chance to Stun them for 2 seconds. ➔Aspect of Berserk RippingBarbarian • Offensive CodexCGood SynergyWhenever you deal direct damage while Berserking, inflict [20-30%] of the Base damage dealt as additional Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. ➔Iron Blood AspectBarbarian • Defensive CodexCGood SynergyGain [2.0-4.0%] Damage Reduction for each Nearby Bleeding enemy up to [10-20%] maximum. ➔Skullbreaker's AspectBarbarian • Offensive DGood SynergyStunning a Bleeding enemy deals [22-40%] of their total Bleeding amount to them as Physical damage. ➔Slaking AspectBarbarian • Resource Codex?Good SynergyLucky Hit: You have up to a [40-60%] chance to gain 20 Fury when Rend deals direct damage to at least one Bleeding enemy. ➔Aspect of the ProtectorAll • Defensive CodexAAverage SynergyDamaging an Elite enemy grants you a Barrier absorbing up to [X] damage for 10 seconds. This effect can only happen once every 30 seconds. ➔
Best Barbarian Aspects

Best Paragons To Use with Rage of Harrogath

The best paragon to use with Rage of Harrogath in D4 is Disembowel, which is a Rare Glyph Node.

HemorrhageBarbarian • Legendary BoardAGood Synergy Enemies that have been affected by your Bleeding for 3 or more seconds take 15% increased damage from you. ➔Blood RageBarbarian • Legendary BoardSGood Synergy Killing a Bleeding enemy has 10% chance to grant Berserking for 5 seconds. ➔DisembowelBarbarian • Rare GlyphABest Synergy Description: For every 5 Willpower purchased within range, you deal +2 - 8% (0.3% Per Level) increased Bleeding damage. Radius Bonus: Killing a Bleeding enemy has a 10% chance to reduce the Cooldowns of your Non-Ultimate active Cooldowns by 1 second. Radius Requirement: 25 Willpower ➔BloodfeederBarbarian • Rare GlyphDBest Synergy Description: For every 5 Dexterity purchased within range, you deal +2 - 8% (0.3% Per Level) increased damage to Bleeding targets. Radius Bonus: You have 5% increased Critical Strike Chance against Bleeding enemies. Radius Requirement: 25 Dexterity ➔IreBarbarian • Rare GlyphCAverage Synergy Description: For every 5 Strength purchased within range, you deal +2 - 8% (0.3% Per Level) increased damage while Berserking. Radius Bonus: While Berserking, you take 10% reduced damage from Elites. Radius Requirement: 40 Strength ➔
Best Barbarian Paragons

Best Skills To Use with Rage of Harrogath

The strongest skill synergy with the Rage of Harrogath Unique Chest Armor in D4 are Rupture, and there is also a strong passive synergy with Gushing Wounds.

Wrath of the Berserker Barbarian • Ultimate Active Lucky Hit Chance: 40%Cooldown: 60SGood SynergyExplode into rage, Knocking Back surrounding enemies and gaining Berserking and Unstoppable for 5 seconds. For the next 10 seconds, dealing direct damage with Basic Skills grants Berserking for 5 seconds. Prime While Wrath of the Berserker is active, gain +20% increased Movement Speed and increase Fury Generation by x30%. Supreme While Wrath of the Berserker is active, every 50 Fury you spend increases Berserk's damage bonus by x25%. ➔Call of the Ancients Barbarian • Ultimate Active PhysicalLucky Hit Chance: 30%Cooldown: 50AGood SynergyCall upon 3 Ancients to aid you in battle for 6 seconds. Prime While Call of the Ancients is active, gain +10% bonus Attack Speed and x20% increased damage. Supreme Each of the Ancients gains additional power: ➔Rupture Barbarian • Weapon Mastery Active PhysicalLucky Hit Chance: 50%Cooldown: {10.0 / 9.5 / 9.0 / 8.5 / 8.0}Requires a Slashing Weapon.BGood SynergySkewer enemies in front of you, dealing 13% damage, then rip your weapon out, damaging enemies for their total Bleeding amount and removing all Bleeding damage from them. Enhanced Ripping your weapon out of enemies during Rupture causes an explosion that deals 70% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. Fighter's Hitting at least 1 enemy with Rupture Heals you for 18% of your Maximum Life. Warrior's Hitting enemies with Rupture increases your Attack Speed by +30% for 5 seconds. ➔Flay Barbarian • Basic Active PhysicalFury Generate: 13Lucky Hit Chance: 50%Requires a Slashing weaponBGood SynergyFlay the enemy, dealing {5% / 6% / 6% / 6% / 7%} damage and inflicting {40% / 44% / 47% / 51% / 54%} Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. Enhanced Flay has a 15% chance to make the enemy Vulnerable for 2 seconds. Double this chance when using a Two-Handed weapon. Battle When Flay deals direct damage to an enemy, they take x10% increased Bleeding damage from you for the next 3 seconds. Combat When Flay deals direct damage to an enemy, you gain 3% Damage Reduction and [X] Thorns for 3 seconds. This stacks up to 4 times. ➔Iron Maelstrom Barbarian • Ultimate Active PhysicalLucky Hit Chance: 24%Cooldown: 45Requires AnyBGood SynergyActivate three times to attach chains to each of your weapons and perform an attack: Prime Iron Maelstrom gains +30% increased Critical Strike Chance and deals x40% increased Critical Strike Damage Supreme Dealing direct damage to an enemy after swapping weapons reduces Iron Maelstrom's Cooldown by 1 second. ➔Rend Barbarian • Core Active PhysicalFury Cost: 35Lucky Hit Chance: 33%Requires a Slashing WeaponBGood SynergyCleave enemies in front of you, dealing {12% / 13% / 14% / 16% / 17%} damage and inflicting {96% / 106% / 115% / 125% / 134%} Bleeding damage over 5 seconds. Enhanced Dealing direct damage with Rend extends the duration of Vulnerable on enemies by 2 seconds. Furious Direct damage with Rend grants 4 Fury per enemy hit, up to a maximum of 20 Fury. Violent Rend deals x12% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. ➔
Hamstring Barbarian • Weapon Mastery Passive SGood SynergyYour Bleeding effects Slow enemies by {20% / 40% / 60%} .➔Gushing Wounds Barbarian • Key Passive Passive AGood SynergyWhen causing an enemy to Bleed, you have a chance equal to your Critical Strike Chance to increase the Bleed amount by 115% of your Critical Strike Damage bonus.Overpowering a Bleeding enemy creates an explosion that inflicts 70% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.➔Cut to the Bone Barbarian • Weapon Mastery Passive BGood SynergyYour Bleeding effects deal x {5% / 10% / 15%} increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.➔Tough as Nails Barbarian • Defensive Passive CGood SynergyIncrease your Thorns by + {3% / 6% / 9%} . When enemies hit you, they take an additional 10% of your Thorns as Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.➔Martial Vigor Barbarian • Defensive Passive AAverage SynergyDamage Reduction against Elites is increased by {3% / 6% / 9%} .➔
Best Barbarian Skills

All the Barbarian Unique Weapons & Armor

100,000 Steps Ancients' Oath Battle Trance Fields of Crimson Gohr's Devastating Grips Hellhammer Overkill Rage of Harrogath Ramaladni's Magnum Opus Azurewrath

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Warrior's Rupture

B Tier

Hitting enemies with Rupture increases your Attack Speed by +30% for 5 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#warriorsrupture2', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (217)

Warrior's Rupture

B Tier

Hitting enemies with Rupture increases your Attack Speed by +30% for 5 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#combatflay3', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (218)

Combat Flay

B Tier

When Flay deals direct damage to an enemy, you gain 3% Damage Reduction and [X] Thorns for 3 seconds. This stacks up to 4 times.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#combatflay4', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (219)

Combat Flay

B Tier

When Flay deals direct damage to an enemy, you gain 3% Damage Reduction and [X] Thorns for 3 seconds. This stacks up to 4 times.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#violentrend5', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (220)

Violent Rend

B Tier

Rend deals x12% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#violentrend6', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (221)

Violent Rend

B Tier

Rend deals x12% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#walkingarsenal7', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (222)

Walking Arsenal

A Tier

Dealing direct damage with a Two-Handed Bludgeoning, Two-Handed Slashing, or Dual Wielded weapons grants x10% increased damage for 8 seconds.
While all three damage bonuses are active, you gain an additional x15% increased damage.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#walkingarsenal8', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (223)

Walking Arsenal

A Tier

Dealing direct damage with a Two-Handed Bludgeoning, Two-Handed Slashing, or Dual Wielded weapons grants x10% increased damage for 8 seconds.
While all three damage bonuses are active, you gain an additional x15% increased damage.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#flay9', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (224)


B Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (225) Basic

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (226)


Lucky Hit Chance:


Requires a Slashing weapon

Fury Generate:


Flay the enemy, dealing {5% / 6% / 6% / 6% / 7%} damage and inflicting {40% / 44% / 47% / 51% / 54%} Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#flay10', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (227)


B Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (228) Basic

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (229)


Lucky Hit Chance:


Requires a Slashing weapon

Fury Generate:


Flay the enemy, dealing {5% / 6% / 6% / 6% / 7%} damage and inflicting {40% / 44% / 47% / 51% / 54%} Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#rend11', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (230)


B Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (231) Core

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (232)


Lucky Hit Chance:


Requires a Slashing Weapon

Fury Cost:


Cleave enemies in front of you, dealing {12% / 13% / 14% / 16% / 17%} damage and inflicting {96% / 106% / 115% / 125% / 134%} Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#rend12', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (233)


B Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (234) Core

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (235)


Lucky Hit Chance:


Requires a Slashing Weapon

Fury Cost:


Cleave enemies in front of you, dealing {12% / 13% / 14% / 16% / 17%} damage and inflicting {96% / 106% / 115% / 125% / 134%} Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#rallyingcry13', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (237) Defensive


Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (238)




Bellow a rallying cry, increasing your Movement Speed by +30% and Resource Generation by x {40% / 44% / 48% / 52% / 56%} for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#rallyingcry14', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (239)

Rallying Cry

S Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (240) Defensive


Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (241)




Bellow a rallying cry, increasing your Movement Speed by +30% and Resource Generation by x {40% / 44% / 48% / 52% / 56%} for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#deathblow15', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (242)

Death Blow

B Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (243) Weapon Mastery

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (244)


Lucky Hit Chance:




Requires Any

Attempt a killing strike, dealing {120% / 132% / 144% / 156% / 168%} damage to enemies in front of you.
If this kills an enemy, its Cooldown is reset.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#deathblow16', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (245)

Death Blow

B Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (246) Weapon Mastery

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (247)


Lucky Hit Chance:




Requires Any

Attempt a killing strike, dealing {120% / 132% / 144% / 156% / 168%} damage to enemies in front of you.
If this kills an enemy, its Cooldown is reset.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#steelgrasp17', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (248)

Steel Grasp

B Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (249) Weapon Mastery

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (250)


Lucky Hit Chance:



11 seconds



Charge Cooldown:

{11.0 / 10.0 / 9.0 / 9.0 / 8.0}

Thow out a trio of chains that deal {23% / 25% / 28% / 30% / 32%} damage and Pull In enemies.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#steelgrasp18', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (251)

Steel Grasp

B Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (252) Weapon Mastery

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (253)


Lucky Hit Chance:



11 seconds



Charge Cooldown:

{11.0 / 10.0 / 9.0 / 9.0 / 8.0}

Thow out a trio of chains that deal {23% / 25% / 28% / 30% / 32%} damage and Pull In enemies.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#wrathoftheberserker19', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (254)

Wrath of the Berserker

S Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (255) Ultimate

Lucky Hit Chance:




Explode into rage, Knocking Back surrounding enemies and gaining Berserking and Unstoppable for 5 seconds. For the next 10 seconds, dealing direct damage with Basic Skills grants Berserking for 5 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#wrathoftheberserker20', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (256)

Wrath of the Berserker

S Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (257) Ultimate

Lucky Hit Chance:




Explode into rage, Knocking Back surrounding enemies and gaining Berserking and Unstoppable for 5 seconds. For the next 10 seconds, dealing direct damage with Basic Skills grants Berserking for 5 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#gushingwounds21', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (258)

Gushing Wounds

A Tier

When causing an enemy to Bleed, you have a chance equal to your Critical Strike Chance to increase the Bleed amount by 115% of your Critical Strike Damage bonus.
Overpowering a Bleeding enemy creates an explosion that inflicts 70% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#gushingwounds22', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (259)

Gushing Wounds

A Tier

When causing an enemy to Bleed, you have a chance equal to your Critical Strike Chance to increase the Bleed amount by 115% of your Critical Strike Damage bonus.
Overpowering a Bleeding enemy creates an explosion that inflicts 70% Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#flay23', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (260)


B Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (261) Basic

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (262)


Lucky Hit Chance:


Requires a Slashing weapon

Fury Generate:


Flay the enemy, dealing {5% / 6% / 6% / 6% / 7%} damage and inflicting {40% / 44% / 47% / 51% / 54%} Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#flay24', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (263)


B Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (264) Basic

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (265)


Lucky Hit Chance:


Requires a Slashing weapon

Fury Generate:


Flay the enemy, dealing {5% / 6% / 6% / 6% / 7%} damage and inflicting {40% / 44% / 47% / 51% / 54%} Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#rallyingcry25', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (266)

Rallying Cry

S Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (267) Defensive


Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (268)




Bellow a rallying cry, increasing your Movement Speed by +30% and Resource Generation by x {40% / 44% / 48% / 52% / 56%} for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#rallyingcry26', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (269)

Rallying Cry

S Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (270) Defensive


Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (271)




Bellow a rallying cry, increasing your Movement Speed by +30% and Resource Generation by x {40% / 44% / 48% / 52% / 56%} for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#rend27', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (272)


B Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (273) Core

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (274)


Lucky Hit Chance:


Requires a Slashing Weapon

Fury Cost:


Cleave enemies in front of you, dealing {12% / 13% / 14% / 16% / 17%} damage and inflicting {96% / 106% / 115% / 125% / 134%} Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#rend28', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (275)


B Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (276) Core

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (277)


Lucky Hit Chance:


Requires a Slashing Weapon

Fury Cost:


Cleave enemies in front of you, dealing {12% / 13% / 14% / 16% / 17%} damage and inflicting {96% / 106% / 115% / 125% / 134%} Bleeding damage over 5 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#challengingshout29', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (278)

Challenging Shout

S Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (279) Defensive




Taunt Nearby enemies and gain {40% / 42% / 44% / 46% / 48%} Damage Reduction for 6 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#challengingshout30', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (280)

Challenging Shout

S Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (281) Defensive




Taunt Nearby enemies and gain {40% / 42% / 44% / 46% / 48%} Damage Reduction for 6 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#warcry31', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (282)

War Cry

S Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (283) Brawling




Bellow a mighty war cry, increasing your damage dealt by x {15% / 16.5% / 18% / 19.5% / 21%} for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#warcry32', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (284)

War Cry

S Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (285) Brawling




Bellow a mighty war cry, increasing your damage dealt by x {15% / 16.5% / 18% / 19.5% / 21%} for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#steelgrasp33', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (286)

Steel Grasp

B Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (287) Weapon Mastery

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (288)


Lucky Hit Chance:



11 seconds



Charge Cooldown:

{11.0 / 10.0 / 9.0 / 9.0 / 8.0}

Thow out a trio of chains that deal {23% / 25% / 28% / 30% / 32%} damage and Pull In enemies.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#steelgrasp34', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (289)

Steel Grasp

B Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (290) Weapon Mastery

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (291)


Lucky Hit Chance:



11 seconds



Charge Cooldown:

{11.0 / 10.0 / 9.0 / 9.0 / 8.0}

Thow out a trio of chains that deal {23% / 25% / 28% / 30% / 32%} damage and Pull In enemies.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#walkingarsenal35', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (292)

Walking Arsenal

A Tier

Dealing direct damage with a Two-Handed Bludgeoning, Two-Handed Slashing, or Dual Wielded weapons grants x10% increased damage for 8 seconds.
While all three damage bonuses are active, you gain an additional x15% increased damage.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#walkingarsenal36', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (293)

Walking Arsenal

A Tier

Dealing direct damage with a Two-Handed Bludgeoning, Two-Handed Slashing, or Dual Wielded weapons grants x10% increased damage for 8 seconds.
While all three damage bonuses are active, you gain an additional x15% increased damage.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#frenzy37', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (294)


A Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (295) Basic

Dual Wield

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (296)


Lucky Hit Chance:


Requires Dual Wielded Weapons

Fury Generate:


Unleash a rapid flurry of blows, dealing {22% / 24% / 26% / 28% / 30%} damage with each pair of hits.
If Frenzy hits an enemy, its Attack Speed is increased by +20% for 3 seconds, up to +60%.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#frenzy38', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (297)


A Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (298) Basic

Dual Wield

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (299)


Lucky Hit Chance:


Requires Dual Wielded Weapons

Fury Generate:


Unleash a rapid flurry of blows, dealing {22% / 24% / 26% / 28% / 30%} damage with each pair of hits.
If Frenzy hits an enemy, its Attack Speed is increased by +20% for 3 seconds, up to +60%.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#whirlwind39', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (300)


S Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (301) Core


Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (302)


Lucky Hit Chance:


Requires Any

Fury Cost:

25 per second

Rapidly attack surrounding enemies for {17% / 19% / 21% / 23% / 24%} damage.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#whirlwind40', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (303)


S Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (304) Core


Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (305)


Lucky Hit Chance:


Requires Any

Fury Cost:

25 per second

Rapidly attack surrounding enemies for {17% / 19% / 21% / 23% / 24%} damage.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#challengingshout41', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (306)

Challenging Shout

S Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (307) Defensive




Taunt Nearby enemies and gain {40% / 42% / 44% / 46% / 48%} Damage Reduction for 6 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#challengingshout42', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (308)

Challenging Shout

S Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (309) Defensive




Taunt Nearby enemies and gain {40% / 42% / 44% / 46% / 48%} Damage Reduction for 6 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#warcry43', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (310)

War Cry

S Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (311) Brawling




Bellow a mighty war cry, increasing your damage dealt by x {15% / 16.5% / 18% / 19.5% / 21%} for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#warcry44', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (312)

War Cry

S Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (313) Brawling




Bellow a mighty war cry, increasing your damage dealt by x {15% / 16.5% / 18% / 19.5% / 21%} for 6 seconds, and Nearby allies for 3 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#deathblow45', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (314)

Death Blow

B Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (315) Weapon Mastery

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (316)


Lucky Hit Chance:




Requires Any

Attempt a killing strike, dealing {120% / 132% / 144% / 156% / 168%} damage to enemies in front of you.
If this kills an enemy, its Cooldown is reset.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#deathblow46', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (317)

Death Blow

B Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (318) Weapon Mastery

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (319)


Lucky Hit Chance:




Requires Any

Attempt a killing strike, dealing {120% / 132% / 144% / 156% / 168%} damage to enemies in front of you.
If this kills an enemy, its Cooldown is reset.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#wrathoftheberserker47', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (320)

Wrath of the Berserker

S Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (321) Ultimate

Lucky Hit Chance:




Explode into rage, Knocking Back surrounding enemies and gaining Berserking and Unstoppable for 5 seconds. For the next 10 seconds, dealing direct damage with Basic Skills grants Berserking for 5 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' }); tippy('#wrathoftheberserker48', { content: `

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (322)

Wrath of the Berserker

S Tier

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (323) Ultimate

Lucky Hit Chance:




Explode into rage, Knocking Back surrounding enemies and gaining Berserking and Unstoppable for 5 seconds. For the next 10 seconds, dealing direct damage with Basic Skills grants Berserking for 5 seconds.

`, placement: 'top', offset: [0, 15], animation: 'fade', duration: 300, delay: 0, trigger: window.tooltipDebugMode ? 'click' : 'mouseenter', // Conditional trigger based on debug mode hideOnClick: window.tooltipDebugMode ? false : true, // Do not hide on click in debug mode interactive: false, allowHTML: true, appendTo: document.body, theme: 'admin-debug' });});

Diablo 4 Rage of Harrogath Builds, and How To Get (2024)


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Article information

Author: Nathanael Baumbach

Last Updated:

Views: 6070

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nathanael Baumbach

Birthday: 1998-12-02

Address: Apt. 829 751 Glover View, West Orlando, IN 22436

Phone: +901025288581

Job: Internal IT Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Motor sports, Flying, Skiing, Hooping, Lego building, Ice skating

Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.